Retromeneer Gallery menjoeal bermatjam-matjam barang oentoek keperloean toean dan njonja. (Antique, Vintage, Retro, Koeno, Unik) Radio, Turntable, Toys, Bicycle, Tricycle, Pedal Car for Children, Lp, Emaille Artikellen, dan masih banyak lagi. Priksa betoel itoe kami poenya barang. Oentoek lain-lain jang koerang jelas atawa oentoek pemesanan barang jang tidak ada di gambar bisa telp. Kami di 081 555788712, 081 249 969798
Hello I have full set plates and bowls, etc exactly like this one, from my grandmother. If any one is interested please let me know